Product Result
<!-- Start YMM short code -->
{% if page.handle != "product-result" %}
{%- capture the_snippet_content -%}
{% render 'ymm-searchbox' %}{%- endcapture -%}
{% unless the_snippet_content contains "Liquid error" %}
{%- assign ymm_searchbox_use = "yes" -%}
{%- assign searchbox_style = "horizontal" -%}<!-- eg. horizontal or vertical -->
{%- assign searchbox_title = "Search By Year, Make and Model" -%}
{% render 'ymm-searchbox', ymm_searchbox_use: ymm_searchbox_use, searchbox_style: searchbox_style, searchbox_title: searchbox_title %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Ended YMM short code -->
{% if page.handle != "product-result" %}
{%- capture the_snippet_content -%}
{% render 'ymm-searchbox' %}{%- endcapture -%}
{% unless the_snippet_content contains "Liquid error" %}
{%- assign ymm_searchbox_use = "yes" -%}
{%- assign searchbox_style = "horizontal" -%}<!-- eg. horizontal or vertical -->
{%- assign searchbox_title = "Search By Year, Make and Model" -%}
{% render 'ymm-searchbox', ymm_searchbox_use: ymm_searchbox_use, searchbox_style: searchbox_style, searchbox_title: searchbox_title %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Ended YMM short code -->